Creamed Leeks Recipe | Greedy Gourmet (2024)

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A deliciously rich, indulgent side dish, this creamed leeks recipe brings the subtle sweetness of onions with a creamy, buttery taste.

Creamed Leeks Recipe | Greedy Gourmet (1)

It's perfect on the side of a big hearty Sunday roast, paired with another side, or enjoyed on its own. However you decide to serve this simple comforting classic, you'll love it!

Why you'll love this creamed leeks recipe

  • An easy creamed leeks recipe that's ideal as a main and the perfect side dish.
  • Very few ingredients, all easy to source.
  • This tasty dish is the best way to use a glut of leeks.
  • It is very adaptable – you can tweak it to your taste.
  • Side dish cuisine doesn't get better than this!
Creamed Leeks Recipe | Greedy Gourmet (2)

Equipment needed

There are a few important items you'll need for this creamed leeks recipe:

  • Chef's knife and chopping board – ensure you have a sharp knife to slice your leeks. Also, a non-slip chopping board is essential.
  • Frying pan – invest in a quality pan for sautéeing your leeks

Top Tip

Keep stirring as you sauté the leeks. This prevents them from catching on the bottom of the pan.

How to make creamed leeks

You need butter, leeks, cream and vegetable stock for this recipe.

Creamed Leeks Recipe | Greedy Gourmet (3)
Creamed Leeks Recipe | Greedy Gourmet (4)

Gently fry the leeks in the butter until softened.

Add the vegetable stock and let it simmer.

Creamed Leeks Recipe | Greedy Gourmet (5)
Creamed Leeks Recipe | Greedy Gourmet (6)

Cook until the leeks are completely tender.

Add the cream. Let it bubble for a few minutes.

Creamed Leeks Recipe | Greedy Gourmet (7)

What to serve with creamed leeks


These creamy leeks are perfect when paired with roast potatoes. Try parmentier potatoes or rosemary potatoes. Perfect for mopping up the creamy sauce.

Other side dish recipes can be paired with creamy leeks. Try tobacco onions, for instance.

Serve this leek recipe as a side dish with a main. Any hearty roast meat dish will do, or pair it with a vegetable dish like roast marrow.

Creamed leeks also go great with fish dishes, such as pan-fried seabass.

Wine pairing

A smooth dry white wine is ideal. Go for a Chardonnay or a Chenin Blanc.

Variations to this recipe

Creamed leeks with cheese

Leeks pair beautifully with any cheese you can think of. Mix some blue cheese into this creamed leeks recipe, heating it just enough to melt the cheese into the cream.

  • Hard or soft blue cheeses work well with leeks especially Gorgonzola, Roquefort, Cambozola, Stilton and Dolce Latte. Freshly grated parmesan cheese is also perfect.
  • Try using leeks in pies with potato and Roquefort cheese.
  • Crumble feta or goat's cheese on top of the leeks when serving.
  • Fromage fort (strong cheese) is a similar concept to the English potted cheese.

This recipe uses bits of hard cheese, soft cheese, blue cheese, garlic, and white wine. However, use a smaller proportion of blue cheese than the other cheeses, otherwise it will overwhelm the other flavours.

It may also be known as Trois Fromage, meaning three kinds of cheese. Also, you can never go wrong with your daily household cheeses, Cheddar and Gouda.

Creamed leeks and peas

For a little bit of sweetness, you can sweeten up this creamed leeks recipe with peas. The best options include fresh peas, but you can also use frozen.

You can also add a touch of citric zestiness with a squeeze of lemon juice at the end.

Creamed leeks and cabbage

You can cut some cabbage and toss it into the creamed leeks for a more hearty or filling portion. You should add a bit more cream.

Creamed leeks and spinach

This is one of my favorite combinations. Adding baby spinach is an excellent way to make these creamed leeks healthier. You can also use ordinary spinach. Leave some fresh for a topping as well.

Creamed leeks and bacon

For those who like a bit of meat, I haven't forgotten about you. You can also slice some bacon and toss it into the creamed leeks. Just inspire yourself with my broad beans recipe.

You can also make creamed leeks richer by using a homemade vegetable stock.

Creamed leeks with wine

For a bit of zing, you can add a little bit of white wine for slight acidity. Use dry white wine. Add to your preferred taste.

Vegan creamed leeks

To make this dish vegan, replace the butter with a plant-based alternative and use coconut cream or a non-dairy alternative for the double cream.

Popular substitutions

Cream substitute

If you're looking for a lower-fat or dairy-free alternative to double cream, try one of the following:

Creamed Leeks Recipe | Greedy Gourmet (9)

What are leeks?

Leeks are known scientifically as Allium Ampeloprasum and belong to the garlic, onions, shallots, and scallion family.

They look like large scallions with very small bulbs and a long white stalk of layers that turn into green, tightly wrapped, flat leaves.

What are the origins of leeks?

Leeks have been cultivated since the time of the Ancient Egyptians. Dried specimens from ancient sites and wall carvings and drawings show that the leek was a part of the Egyptian diet from around the 2nd millennium BC.

The leek was the favorite vegetable of Emperor Nero, who loved to eat it in soup. Nero got through so many that he gained the nickname “Porophagus” (leek eater).

In fact, according to Pliny's "Historia Naturalis," Nero ate them prepared in oil, believing it would aid in maintaining the clarity of his voice.

The Phoenicians were the first to bring leeks to Britain when trading tin with the Welsh, and it soon became part of the staple diet.

The British Isles elevated this simple garden-variety plant to a much higher status as the national symbol for Wales.

How do you prepare and clean leeks?

To prepare leeks for cooking, cut off the dark green tops and any tips of the leaves that are browned or look unhealthy. I prefer to cut them lengthways, separate the leaves, and then wash them individually.

I don’t like the possibility of eating sand; leek leaves can trap much of the stuff. So, slice the leeks to your desired thickness. Generally, they are sliced across the grain.

Leeks are always sautéd in butter to enhance the flavor, even before adding them to soups and stews. Oil is added to the melting butter to stop the butter from burning.

How do leeks taste?

While the commercially grown leeks have a fragrant, yet sweet and subtle flavour, their wild counterparts have a stronger, more intense flavour. The flavor in leeks is concentrated in the lower leaf and bulb portion.

When are leeks in season?

They are available throughout the year and are in season from autumn to early spring when they are at their best.

How do you pick good leeks?

Choose leeks that have a large white and light green part. The tough green parts will be discarded, so look for leeks with as much white as possible.

What can you do with leftover leeks?

if you've got leftover leeks, use them in a tasty chicken and leek risotto for later! Or try this zucchini and leek soup.

How do you store creamed leek leftovers?

If you have leftovers, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. They will keep fresh for up to two days.

When reheating creamed leeks, do so gently to avoid the cream separating.

Creamed Leeks Recipe | Greedy Gourmet (10)

More leek recipes

Can't get enough of luscious leeks? Check out these amazing leek recipes:

  • Chicken and leek risotto – a twist on an Italian classic, this recipe is simple and delicious
  • Vegan leek and potato soup – a soothing soup that's perfect for the colder months
  • Easy leek and potato soup – another simple soup, with flavours that tantalise the taste buds
  • Pork medallions with leek sauce – a rich meat dish that's complemented by a sensational leek sauce
  • Chicken leek and pasta bake – another deliciously comforting leek dish


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Creamed Leeks Recipe | Greedy Gourmet (11)

Creamed Leeks

★★★★★5 from 4 reviews
  • Author: Michelle Minnaar
  • Total Time: 20 minutes
  • Yield: 4 portions 1x
  • Diet: Vegetarian
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Creamed leeks are very simple to prepare. This leek recipe entails frying the leeks in butter and oil and finishing it off with cream. An amazingly creamy leek side dish that complements almost any type of meal!



  • 2 large leeks, washed
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 teaspoon oil
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable stock
  • ½ cup double cream
  • salt and pepper, to taste


  1. Slice the leeks into 1cm (½ inch) pieces.
  2. In a frying pan, melt butter and add oil.
  3. Once sizzling, incorporate the leeks, sautéing until slightly softened.
  4. Add the vegetable stock. Simmer for 10 minutes or until leeks are tender.
  5. Stir in the double cream and let it simmer for an additional minute.
  6. Season with salt and pepper. Serve hot.


  • Ensure the combined weight of the leeks is approximately 450g (1lb).
  • Adjust salt and pepper according to preference.
  • For a richer flavor, consider using homemade vegetable stock.
  • Ensure leeks are thoroughly washed to remove any grit or dirt trapped between layers.
  • If you want a lighter version, you can substitute the double cream with half-and-half or whole milk, though this will change the consistency and richness of the dish.
  • This leek dish pairs wonderfully with grilled meats or as a side to roasted vegetables.
  • Leftovers can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Reheat gently to avoid the cream separating.
  • You can add herbs like thyme or rosemary for an aromatic touch.
  • For a touch of brightness, a squeeze of lemon juice can be added at the end.
  • If you're looking to make this dish vegan, replace the butter with a plant-based alternative and use coconut cream or a non-dairy alternative for the double cream.
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • Category: Side Dish
  • Method: Pan Fry
  • Cuisine: French

Keywords: creamed leeks, creamed leek recipe, easy creamed leeks, creamed leeks with milk, recipe for creamed leeks, creamed leeks recipe uk, how to make creamed leeks, creamed leeks with parmesan, james martin creamed leeks, creamed leeks jamie oliver, leek side dish recipes uk, creamy leek recipe, leek side dish, creamy leeks, leek side dish recipes, vegan creamed leeks

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Creamed Leeks Recipe | Greedy Gourmet (2024)
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